Title 1
What is the Title I Program?
Title I is designed to give students help in reading and/or math based upon the recommendation of the classroom teacher and performance on standardized tests or formal assessments.
It involves individual and/or small group help based on student needs. The opportunity for additional instruction increases the child's ability to succeed in reading and/or math and helps the child "connect the pieces" in order move toward grade-level academic achievement. Title I is staffed with caring and licensed teachers who are committed to providing lessons to your children that help them to more completely understand the classroom material.
Title I programming is available to students at Stevenson Elementary, Hayes Elementary and Fridley Middle School.
How does a student qualify for Title I services?
Although funding for Title I is related to the number of students who receive free or reduced price meals, participation has nothing to do with economic status. Students are selected to receive Title I services based on a number of factors, including performance on standardized tests, classroom assessments, and teacher recommendation. Title I is not the same as Special Education.
How can parents be involved?
- Parents are invited to attend the district's annual Title I Meeting
- Parents are notified of their child's eligibility for and participation in Title I program
- Parents, staff and students may participate in the development and carrying out of a compact for student success that spells out the goals and shared responsibilities of the child, school and parents
- Parents are encouraged to participate in Title I meetings and learning opportunities.
Parent Involvement Plan
Fridley Public Schools recognizes that parents are an integral part of their student's education. There are many ways for parents to be involved in our schools and programs. Schools communicate with parents regularly through newsletters, website, family activity nights, and PTO meetings. Elementary and Middle School teachers hold biannual formal parent-teacher conferences in addition to communicating by phone and email as needed. The district has developed a plan for involving the families of students receiving Title I support. There is a meeting once a year where families learn about and give input into the Title I program. In addition, strategies for supporting students at home are also presented at these meetings, and families are surveyed in order to determine helpful topics.
Parent-Teacher-Student Compact
A partnership between home and school is important in student learning. This compact shows that everyone has a part to play in student success!
Parent Advisory Committee
Families of students receiving Title I support services are invited to be part of the Title I Parent Advisory Committee# There will be an opportunity to join this committee at the Annual Title I meeting. This group would meet to provide input and feedback if there were to be changes to the program. If you would like to participate in this committee, please contact: Laura Seifert-Hertling at 763-505-5024 or email: seiferthertling@isd14.org; Harold Scott at 763-502-5005 or email hscott@isd14.org
Parent Advisory Committee Meetings
The purpose of the Parent Advisory Committee is to review, refine and collaborate to make Fridley a stronger school district. All parents are invited to attend and participate in the Parent Advisory Committee meetings.
2024-2025 Parent Advisory Committee Meetings
- Schedule Coming for 2024-2025
Parents Rights to Know
Parents have a right to know about the qualifications of the Title I staff working with their child# This right includes knowing:
- The level of education, degrees, or other certificates staff members hold
- Whether the staff member is working under a provisional status, which may mean they are working in an area outside their licensure
- If the staff member is not highly qualify to teach the subject he or she is teaching.
Laura Seifert-Hertling
Director of Special Services
Phone: 763-502-5024
Becky Walber
Title I Teacher
Stevenson Elementary School
Phone: 763-502-5377
Alicia Hempel
Title I Teacher
Hayes Elementary School
Phone: 763-502-5267
Lori Teegarden
Title I Teacher
Fridley Middle School
Phone: 763-502-5424